Although the Ministry of Health announced the simplification of the diploma recognition system for Ukrainian nurses with a completed bachelor's degree last year, which would have provided them with the opportunity to fully apply their qualifications in the Slovak healthcare system, the real outcome is indicated by the title of this post. One could ironically note that the debate about Ukrainian nurses in the Slovak healthcare system is "a debate about nothing."
However, to better understand the essence of the problem and potential solutions, it is necessary to listen to the opinions of those who are looking for ways and solutions (and, of course, know what they are talking about).
This was precisely the focus of Tuesday's broadcast "First-hand Experience," where the President of the Slovak Chamber of Nurses and Midwives (Slovenská komora sestier a pôrodných asistentiek), Iveta Lazorova, was also in discussion alongside the founder of International Association of Physicians in Slovakia (MALnS), Alona Kurotova.
In conclusion, it is simply desired that all relevant authorities take a close look at this issue, because the problem of nursing shortages in our healthcare system will not resolve itself (and will only get worse).
However, to better understand the essence of the problem and potential solutions, it is necessary to listen to the opinions of those who are looking for ways and solutions (and, of course, know what they are talking about).
This was precisely the focus of Tuesday's broadcast "First-hand Experience," where the President of the Slovak Chamber of Nurses and Midwives (Slovenská komora sestier a pôrodných asistentiek), Iveta Lazorova, was also in discussion alongside the founder of International Association of Physicians in Slovakia (MALnS), Alona Kurotova.
In conclusion, it is simply desired that all relevant authorities take a close look at this issue, because the problem of nursing shortages in our healthcare system will not resolve itself (and will only get worse).